Little Introduction

Hello, my name is Lexi and this my blog. I know what a typical and unoriginal beginning, but if I were to meet you on the street or at a party, all I would simply say is ‘Hello, my name is Lexi’. It’s simple, an easy and relaxed introduction. No fancy elaborate speech introducing you to my thoughts and plans for this blog, just a simple start to a simple thing 021515_1337_Littleintro1.jpg I will however tell you that I am not entirely sure what this blog will be about. I do know that I love a lot of things and many (if not all) of them will eventually be a topic of discussion at one time or another. Whether it’s about Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Music, Books or my general thoughts and opinions about things. If I am interested about it, I will write about it.image3 I do have somewhat of a plan scheduling wise. I hope to blog twice a week, I will eventually find official days for posting. On exception of when I’m traveling and simply cannot blog. Oh I will also be sporadically doing a segment I like to call ‘Photography Fridays’. Basically I will be posting some pictures I’ve taken over the past few    months with a little caption. I just thought this would be a nice little thing for me to do since I love photography. Photography wise, I will be using my Iphone 4s for pretty much all of my photos for this blog. I am however saving up for a proper camera and will hopefully have that sooner than later. The Iphone camera isn’t necessarily a bad camera, it’s actually very good and I have taken some incredible photos from it. But obviously they won’t be as good as some of the other bloggers pictures. But please do be patient, I have waited a long time to get a proper camera and when that day comes you most certainly will know about it. 021515_1337_Littleintro2.jpg So I hope that this short introduction has made you in one way or another interested. And I hope that this may be the start for something very……… Interesting! Thank you for reading. Be sure to check out my social media sites to be informed on new blog posts and anything else I’m up to. Talk to you soon! Love Lexi. Social media Twitter@Waitingflowers                                                                                                                                    Instagram @waitingwallflowers

(Let me know if there are any other social media sites you’d like me to join. I’d love to hear from you so leave a comment and let me know about anything you would like me to post in the future I’m always looking for suggestions)

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2 thoughts on “Little Introduction

  1. Been reading through your posts and you have made a good start I love the post about the ‘Fifty Shades of Wadrobe’ and I also think having photography Fridays is an excellent idea! I too use my iPhone to take pictures, I have an iPhone 6 and the quality is pretty good however I would love to have a good camera to take high quality. If you haven’t already, I would love it if you could take a look at my blog.


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