Hudson Taylor Concert

For those of you who read my last blog post you would know that I went to see Hudson Taylor perform over the weekend, and can I just say that they were AMAZING. I was really lucky and was three rows from the stage so could see everything. They were so energetic and gave everything into their performance. It was also the last night of their first headlining tour and you could tell it was a special moment for them. They also had two incredible opening acts that later joined them on stage. It was a great concert and I would definitely go see them again, in fact they are actually returning to Cork soon so I am really looking forward to that if I can go.

So for this post I thought that I would share with you a few photos from the concert. Hope you enjoy!

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First opening act Jack Morris


Second opening act Southern

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Hudson Taylor opening with ‘Just A Thought’




Them returning on stage for their encore (Looking extremely Irish)


Last song!


Everyone on stage including Jack Morris and Southern

The concert was amazing if you haven’t checked out Hudson Taylor I would highly advise it! They were incredible to watch and even better to listen to. Its great seeing a band I’ve loved for ages now grow in popularity and grow as artists. Their New album ‘Singing for strangers’ is must have on your Ipod! Also go check out Jack Morris and Southern, since the concert I have had them none stop playing on Youtube!

I hope you enjoyed this little post and I’m sorry if the picture quality isn’t 100% I have better photos up on my instagram account @waitingwallflowers and on my twitter account @waitingflowers so go check those out! be sure to like or leave a comment I love hearing from you! and if you’d like sure to subscribe. Thanks for reading.

Love Lexi.


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